
A Studienkolleg - What's that?

The Studienkolleg is an institution that you have to graduate from before your actual Bachelor’s programme, if your school leaving certificate from abroad does not qualify you for a direct access to a German university. In the Studienkolleg you will have the opportunity to acquire all the language skills and specialist knowledge that is required for your study programme of choice.

After a year in the Studienkolleg, you will take a final exam, the so-called Feststellungsprüfung (FSP). After passing the final assessment, all universities and colleges in Germany are open to you.


You can study in Germany with the following qualifications, but you have to attend a Studienkolleg beforehand:
Country Certificate
Russia Attestat o srednem (polnom) obscem obrazovanii
Ukraine Svidoctvo pro zdobuttja povnoji zahal'noji serednoji osvity (ab 2019) / Atestat pro povnu zahal'nu serednju osvitu (before 2018)
Kazakhstan Zalpy orta bilim turaly attestat / Attestat o srednem obscem obrazovanii
Kyrgyzstan Orto Bilim Zönündö Attestat (acquired from 2014 after 11 school years)
Uzbekistan O'rta ma'lumot to'g'risida shahodatnoma ("with Award" or "with Gold or Silver medal")   

Akademik litsey diplomi 
Azerbaijan Orta Tahsil Haqqinda Attestat acquired from 2015 after 11 school years)
Turkmenistan Orta bilim hakynda Sahadatnama (before 2001 or from 2008 / 10 school years "with Award" or "with Gold or Silver medal")
Tajikistan Attestat dar borai ma'lumoti mijona ("with Award" or "with Gold or Silver medal")
Turkey Lise Diplomasi without ÖSYM
Brazil Ensino Medio
Mexico Bachillerato General
Colombia Título de Bachiller + ICFES
Peru Certificado Oficial de Estudios
Ecuador Título de Bachiller
Honduras Título de Bachiller 
India Senior School Certificate Examination 
Indonesia Ijazah - Sekolah Menengah Atas or Madrasah Aliyah (SMA / MA)
Your country is not in the list?

Have a look on anabin or write to us!

If you are a member of the Study Preparation Academy, we will check for you whether you can attend a Studienkolleg or university in Germany. -> Contact

The entrance exam

Several thousand applicants take part in the entrance tests for the Studienkollegs every semester. There are often more than 20 applicants for one space. Therefore, it is very important to be well trained and prepared for these tests.  In addition, your documents must be complete in order to apply to the Studienkolleg. Our preparatory courses prepare you optimally for the tests of all preparatory colleges and our application service ensures that you have all required documents.

When applying to Studienkollegs and universities, many prospective students encounter the obstacles of the German bureaucracy. Our experience will help you overcome these obstacles. Together with you, we make sure that your application is complete and  correct and arrives on time. As a member of the Study Preparation Academy, this service is free for you.

Entrance exam examples

You have more questions?

Under our FAQs we have summarized and answered the most frequently asked questions about the Studienkolleg and studying in germany!